In the wide opening. It awaits us all. More than a feeling. In the beautyness of if it all now. We take the time and we take chances to meet our challenges one on one. We believe in the striving forth and persistence it takes to guide one and lead one.

In the wide opening. It awaits us all. More than a feeling. In the beautyness of if it all now. We take the time and we take chances to meet our challenges one on one. We believe in the striving forth and persistence it takes to guide one and lead one. Down the path of the chartered and unchartered waters. We dive in. We dive in deep. We capture the panoramic view all around. What is here and what is there? As we look around in wonder. Its pressing on us to do more and see more.
What is this driving force and passion? It’s the time it takes to deliver and sort out the beliefs we have in our self. Are we worthy of this or not? Are we kind enough for that? Do we seek out our highest good, I hope so! For deep down we truly want what is best for our greatest and highest good. We take chances. We listen to others. We strive, we believe it will help bring forth the best out comes for our loved ones and families. The highest good for man kind. We seek it and we desire it. And hope that our fellow brothers and sisters all want the same thing.
We know on a global scale there are unique beings who are inquiring about how we all can achieve this oneness. They are allowing other people to come up with there own new resources. They are allowing for change. They may bring forth the new coming of age of passing on knowledge to be read and recorded. Offering it to all around the world to encompass and incorporate into our daily lives through thoughts of helping the planet.
Cleaning up the waters, helping us also clean up our bodies. They have seen how far and deep the changes will go to help uncover and discover that us as humanity can find the factors of truth. We can determine what we need to do next to take us in the greater path of existence here on earth. We are all one. We are love.
We need to combine our efforts to bring planetary change and peace to our world. We know it, it’s in our hearts and lives that we have felt this passion and desire to be of one, to be part of this process of the beginning of the times we are in now. The jurisdiction times. We are in the time for earth and our heavenly bodies to recognize this is all ours, we are all part of it. We must claim our jurisdiction.
As a whole collective. This Is ours. Our home. Our path we walk on. We must do this together for we are all part of this togetherness. Not separate. Not of different races. The same race, the human race. We are all the same. We are all connected. We are in the times of claiming our jurisdiction. We must know and believe this. This is our path and our journey to understand and love the earth we walk upon.
First it is all part of our oneness as well. Our path and jurisdiction combine it all and we have one great civilization of beings far greater in source and love and imagination that we could ever imagine. We all must join hands, hearts and minds and we all can journey on this path of oneness together. This is our destiny and path to walk down. Together in the light we can accomplish monumental things in our light force. This light force is what is all around and joins us together. This is what’s in our hearts and our souls. It’s what we are made of. And it’s what will keep guiding us as we discover all we truly are.